productivity and organization


Hello readers!!

"productivity is never an accident.It is always the result of a commitment to excellence,inteligent planning and focused effort."

And this is my favorite page.I love keeping everything around me organized.I believe that Being organized will keep us motivated and we will be able to do a lot more work and eventually our life will be more joyful.Being organized will help us analyse the task that kills the  productive us and the task that is must needed for our life.There are people who know that sitting in front of the phone or computer games or netflix will make them lag in their work but they feel they are helpless ..So I will share my organization ideas and systems that I do experiment and keep experimenting to stay productive the whole day.In this page you can find more about my college life,study tips and tricks,decluttering of spaces,necessary Stationery,Study routine, bullet journaling,digital organization and organization systems..So stay tuned for more updates...Happy living!!!

School/college life:

Productivity & Organization:

Watchout for more organization ideas!!!
Happy living!!!!!!
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